WALT: write an Information Report
Sacraments are a part of the church. You could receive all of the during your life here on Earth.
There are seven Sacraments which are Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Orders. Jesus is also a Sacrament of God because he mostly revealed what God was like when he was living here on Earth.
Baptism,Eucharist and Confirmation is the three Sacraments of Initiation.
A Sacrament is a sign that people can see, which tells us something about the power and love of God whom cannot we cannot see.
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation are the three Sacraments of Initiation. Baptism is the time when you get welcomed into God’s family and it is also the time when the original sin gets washed away(The original sin is the sin Adam and Eve made years ago.) Eucharist is when you get given the Body and Blood of Christ and receive him inside you. Confirmation is the time when you become a full member of the Church.
During these events they do some Ritual actions some of them are the Laying on of the hands which gets done by the Bishop in the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Laying on of the hands is not only done when you are confirmed, but it is also done when you are getting a blessing. Another Ritual action is pouring the Holy Water over the forehead, this is done when you are getting baptised. When you are receiving your First Holy Communion, one ritual action is turning the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
Throughout your life you will receive these Sacraments which shows you the power and love of God- Te Atua. As you receive the seven Sacraments God is watching over you and guiding you to successfully receive the Seven Sacraments.