
Friday, 29 March 2019

Innocent or Guilty?

WALT:  Know how to write a news paper report.
In Room 6 we read a book called "Pig the Pug" We had to make a newspaper report about it. We can take any perspectives and write about it. I chose to write about when Pig the Pug falls out of the window.

Something I found hard: was trying to end the story. Another thing I found hard was using interesting vocabularies to hook the reader in.

Something I found easy: was writing the story(except the end) because I could be creative.


Pig the Pug’s Accident

 It was on a Wednesday March 22nd 2019 that Pig the Pug had his accident. Everything was going well during his day until the accident. A bystander(who does not want to be named) said that when the accident happened Trevor, Pig the Pug’s flatmate, was there with him this is where a question pops up, Is Trevor Innocent or is he guilty?

 Trevor the Sausage dog
After a bystander said that Trevor was there with Pig the Pug, he is interviewed. “No, I am innocent and I did nothing but stand there and listen to Pig until he falls.” Trevor says. While we interview Trevor more there are things happening in the hospital where Pig the Pug is.

 Pig the Pug
 “Don’t believe Trevor, he took one of the toys from my stack which made my stack unstable! He cause this!” Pig the pug says. But is Pig telling the truth or is he trying to frame Trevor? Right now we have two questions that are left unsolved, Is Trevor really innocent or is he guilty? Is Pig the Pug telling the Truth or is he trying to frame Trevor? We aren’t sure if Trevor is the one telling the truth or if Pig is telling the truth.

After interviewing Trevor and Pig, we decided to look for any bystanders to look at different point of views. “I think it was just an accident, Trevor was just watching as Pig falls, no one expected this.” A bystander across Pig the Pug’s flat said. “I think Trevor let his anger get the best of him and decided to pull one of Pig’s toys from the bottom and watch Pig as he falls off their flat window.” We aren’t sure which side to believe. Because our team is very confused with this situation, Trevor was put into trial along with Pig and the bystanders. As things get more suspicious, we are waiting for the results the trial will bring

Today Trevor,Pig and the Bystanders were taken to court. “I swear Trevor pushed me!” Pig shouted “Excuse me Pig, but you were the one who was not thinking and made that unstable stack of toys!” Trevor snapped. After the trial, Trevor was found guilty and will be punished he said this “I’m tired of you Pig! You always blame me for the things you did wrong! This is why I did this!” Trevor took one of the toys from the bottom of Pig’s stack which made it unstable and make Pig lose his balance.

Friday, 22 March 2019

My Space

In Room 6 we had to make a D.L.O about our favourite space to learn or chill.

Something I found easy was to pick the place because I like quiet places and the Prayer Garden was a place that I found peaceful.

Something I found hard was describing the place.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

South Sudan

In Room 6 we have been learning about South Sudan and the conflicts they have in their country. We have also been learning about Caritas and how they help the people in South Sudan. In order for us to show we understand the Impact of the Conflicts we had to make a D.L.O

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

The Trinity in action

WALT: Recognise that Te Atua acts as one in the world creating, redeeming and sanctifying .

Student Agreement and User Conditions

In Room 6, we were learning about Student Agreements and User conditions. We had to make a D.L.O to show our understanding.


Writing To Describe(Unfinished)

WALT: Use a range of figurative language to describe a moment in time.

I was tired,alone and cold. Where was I? I stumbled upon a house. It was old. Well it looked like it was old because the walls were cracked the painting was almost gone and the tree leaves laid on the ground like a dead person, the plants were overgrown. It was abandoned. I wonder what happened. Without thinking I entered the old house. The inside of the house looked like a tornado has went past it. There were pieces of wood on the ground, there was broken pieces of the house everywhere, but I decided to keep walking. I checked one of the rooms and it wasn’t any better. I went to look around more, the more a looked around the more I was feeling someone was in here too. I stopped. I looked around the room and saw a shadow in the hallway. I froze. I didn’t know what to do nor what the thing that had the shadow was. I was just standing there frozen like a statue. But when I heard a dreadful noise my senses came back. What was that? I ran out of the room. I ran like my life depended on it, because right now my life probably depended on it. I ran to the front door but it was locked.