
Thursday, 26 September 2019

Dunking Biscuits

In Room 6 we have been learning about fair testing. We learnt new phrases such as; Hypothesis,  Variables etc. A hypothesis is a prediction for your experiment and a variable is something you could change in your experiment. We had to come up with our own experiment with groups of two or three. My buddy was Lachlan and we chose to do "Dunking Biscuits" We had to plan our experiment in a doc where we included what we would change, what we would keep the same so our experiment would be 'fair' and what we would measure.

For this experiment, we had to dunk different types of biscuits in coffee and see which biscuit is the strongest. The different types of biscuits we had were; Arrowroots, Sugar Biscuits, Choc-chip cookies, Scotch fingers, Anzac biscuits and Raisin Biscuits. Our time set was 1 minute and 30 seconds and if it goes over that, we have to stop it. For the results, we had Arrowroots, Scotch Fingers, Sugar Biscuits and Raisin Biscuits as our best.

Our next step was to make our science boards showing our results, measurements, pictures, graphs, etc. We were free to do what type of lettering we wanted and to be creative with our boards.

What I enjoyed: Doing the lettering for our boards as well as deciding what the layout would look like.
What I found frustrating: How I can't change what I put up if I don't like where its placed because we used a glue stick to put it up.
What I can work on: Going in depth with the writing in our boards.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

My Mihi

-Find and summarise information by identifying key words and main ideas.
-make connections between different texts.
-use evidence(words, phrases and illustrations) from the text to justify my thinking.
-make a judgement after evaluating information from range of texts.
-Use keywords to work out what the hidden meaning is.

For Maori Language week, we made a game to represent our mihis. We had to put our parents' names, our names, our mountain etc. We had to find out codes to make our game work and find out what our mountains are, our rivers etc.

What I found hard: Was figuring out the codes
What I need to work on: Finding out what my mountain is etc.
What I enjoyed:  Coding my game.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Volcanoes- Infographic

In my reading group(Mars) we read about volcanoes. We learnt what type of volcanoes there are and how they work. One type of volcano is a Submarine volcano which is a volcano that is located underwater. The text came with activities that we had to do. For our digital activity, we all had to do number eight which was an infographic. An infographic is to explain all the learning we have learnt and put them into pictures, diagrams, labels, description to show that we understood the text.

What I need to work on: Being efficient with all my work so I can finish my other work on time.
What I can do better: Putting more information on my picture.
What I enjoyed: Was learning about volcanoes and how they work.

We should have a summer sports tournament

In Room 6 we have been learning about how to write a piece of persuasive writing. We were giving 4 subjects to write about and it all has something to do with school. I chose to write about having summer sports tournament. We had to plan it first so we can write it smoothly then we began writing our persuasive writing.

What I need to work on: Using strong vocabulary in my writing to hook the reader in.
What I enjoyed: Getting to plan my writing.
What I found hard: Thinking about my arguments.

We should have a summer sport tournament 

 I believe that our school should have a summer sports tournament. This can help with students fidgeting while sitting on the mat or if they suddenly get talkative.

Extra Energy 
People who have extra energy can get fidgety. This can affect how they do their work and how they act during class. Students get fidgety when on the mat which can cause them to not listen to the teacher and what they are supposed to do afterward. This can also distract others who are trying to listen to the teacher. The classroom teacher can also be affected because they’d have to tell the student to stop fidgeting so they can understand what to do next.

New Things 
Having a summer sports tournament can encourage students to try a new sport. The coaches of these new sports can show leadership by telling his/her team how to play the sport and to help them develop their skills. Students can also meet new people while versing different teams or during break times. Getting out of the classroom With the summer sports, students can get fresh air along with the teachers. The classroom can get pretty hot because it is summer. The school can also save electricity because while the students are gone the classrooms wouldn’t have their AC on. The teachers can also get out of teaching and it would give them less stress.

These are my reasons why I think we should have a summer sports tournament. Playing sports can help improve our stamina. It can also help with us being social!